Perfection and Readiness

         I always remember my dad always said this to me you don't have to be ready to do anything; the words that encourage me to stand my ground against my fears of waiting and waiting in the appeal of perfection. I can say that I was a perfectionist and I still am but in the amount of non problematic after I learned that being a hardcore perfectionist can hinder my performance and learning process. You have to make mistakes in order to do it right. This would imply to my coding practice as well; in order to write good code, I have to write bad code first. This also applies to other agile methodologies: fail fast and iterate until it comes to point of good enough. Expect to make mistake at your first try. I wish I could learn and understand all of these sooner because I know I made ton of excuses and wasted lots of time waiting for the right moment or waiting till I am ready by avoiding making fool of myself because I hate and afraid of making mistakes. We are not god; we are not born ready for anything. Mistake is a crucial part of learning. Don't pursue perfection, pursue excellence.



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