Be your own friend and enemy

         I am intrigued and also hate how I always mention about inner self, one self, from within, like seriously why is that even a thing in the first place? Why would I and someone care about it or about getting to know one self? Basically, nobody knows what they really want. Most of time, they don't want anything to do with themselves too. Why would anyone want to be something while they could be anything? I know it is deep questions but it is very important to ask. We work hard for something not everything. We thrive not for the name of greed but necessary things. Back to my point, our personality is dynamic, so we can have differrent forms of self. One self is your friend and another can be your enemy; they all have both good and bad quality but serving the same purpose which is protecting you. Personally, I sometimes becomes my own friend and sometimes my own enemy. Meaning, I can encourage myself, validate, and push myself just as though it is from other but from within. On the other hands, I can be angry at myself, hate myself, distract and sabotage myself as if an enemy would do. 


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