Never good enough

         As I try to write everyday and my mood also changes everyday depends on unpredictable things so the content and what I planned to write each day also need to be flexible and changed accordingly as long as I didn't fail to plant a seed. What kind of seed do I want to plant today? Well, the seed that is kind of bad but able to grow. The seed that no one wants but still believes somewhere out there it can really belongs to. The seed that never taught to know its true value but still believes someone out there really proud of and appreciate it. And that seed is me. I wished life would go easy on me but I was wrong. It never did and never will. I am the seed that never ceases to grow and become stronger despite all the shortcomings and back down on what appears to set me down. I just hate how some people have to make other feel bad about themselves just to make them feel better about their own problem. Can't complain, right?


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