Feeling Okay

         How are you? This is the type of question that most of the time I don't really know the answer of but I will answer it right away with I'm Okay, thanks. However, what does it mean to feel okay? Is it true that we feel okay when we say we are okay. Well, we are not sure. We all are trying to learn and interpret our feelings all time and we will be experiencing the vast range of emotions throughout our life. Some people will feel a small range of emotions and other will have it bigger so does our level of happiness sitting in between the spectrum of emotions. For instance, some people have a high level of happiness which mean when they are saying they are okay or fine, their expression such as body language, facial expression, and  voice tone will show it immediately. On the other hands, some has a low level of happiness, meaning, they are feeling fine when they are experiencing a quite relieving emotion, peaceful and calm by a little bit off from chaos. For me, it is the later that defines me. My monotone voice, lack of facial and body expression will show you how I feel when I am saying I'm okay. Human emotions are complex. But to express it properly takes efforts, courage to accept how you feel and a decent level of emotional intelligence. But, first and foremost, you can start by saying to yourself that you are not okay if your inner voice said so.


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